Dr. Brené Brown is a Ph.D. scientist who does research on shame, empathy, and vulnerability.
Brené presents an overview of her research in “Unraveling Shame and Empathy with Dr. Brene Brown” where she describes the solution to shame as threefold: “courage, compassion, and connection.”
“Brown says, courage, in the original sense of the word, meant to “speak your mind with your heart.” She professes we must speak courageously from the heart, treat ourselves and others with compassion, and learn to recognize when shame over imperfection is severing our connections.”
Unraveling Shame and Empathy with Dr. Brene Brown
Brené books are based on her research are blockbuster best sellers.
I’ve read all of Brené’s books, except Dare to Lead, and have listened to them as audiobooks, including some that she has narrated herself (which is totally awesome to listen to).
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Here’s how Brené thinks of the progression of her work:
- The Gifts of Imperfection—Be you.
- Daring Greatly—Be all in.
- Rising Strong—Fall. Get up. Try again.
I Thought It Was Just Me was my first book and is a deep dive into women and shame.
If you’re looking for detailed information on women and shame, I still recommend starting with The Gifts then moving to I Thought It Was Just Me.
In addition to her books, she has a blog and a FANTASTIC new “Unlocking Us” podcast.
Her research has revealed a lot of things that we didn’t know about shame, empathy, and vulnerability. Even though her research and writing are not specific to sexual abuse survivors, much of what she describes resonates with what I have experienced in my life as a survivor. And her work had a powerful influence on my healing journey.
As a Ph.D. scientist with advanced degrees in multiple fields, I have a deep respect for Brené for her honesty, vulnerability, and clarity in doing her research and finding a way to present the results in a way that lay people can understand.
There are several great videos available where Brené talks about her research and findings, including the infamous TED Talk that launched her into the public eye.
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Listening to Shame : Vulnerability is not a weakness
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Dr. Brené Brown: Why Guilt Is Better Than Shame on SuperSoul Sunday with Oprah Season 4 Episode 415: I am bad vs. I did something bad
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6 Types of People Who Do Not Deserve to Hear Your Shame Story on SuperSoul Sunday on OWN
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Dr. Brené Brown: “Shame Is Lethal” on on OWN SuperSoul Sunday
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Dr. Brené Brown: The Can’t Miss-Interview On Shame, Self Worth Empathy & Living a Courageous Life