Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

As victims, we were told our feelings meant nothing. We were told to be quiet, to stop lying, to keep the secrets, to keep it all to ourselves.

We experienced: shame, guilt, disgust, confusion, anger, self-hatred, fear, on, and on, and on.

Even when we did have moments that normally would lead to feelings of joy or happiness, we would often push those away. Either feeling too unworthy of them, or afraid of how quickly those would be turned over for the negative emotions once again. It felt like a set-up – feel good and you’ll be punished by feeling terrible, faster than you can blink.

What we all needed was someone who would listen to us validate our feelings and help us find a way to feel them safely. So that we could move past the negative emotions hampering our healing. So that we could live and feel the breadth and depth of human emotions without blocking ourselves from being our true authentic selves.

I first learned about Dr. Marc Brackett and his work on Brené Brown’s podcast episode with him.

I enjoyed it so much I went out and purchased his audio book. Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive

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A quick Google Search lead me to a number of interviews and presentations where you can learn more about Marc’s work.

Marc Brackett on the Importance of Emotional Intelligence on PBS.

Marc Brackett – Permission to Feel (The Brainwaves Video Anthology)

Permission to Feel” Marc Brackett, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

Marc Brackett: “Emotional Intelligence as a Superpower” | Talks at Google

Marc Brackett: Permission to Feel – Unlocking the Power of Emotions