I joined a virtual Labyrinth walk this weekend.
My friend is in training to become a Labyrinth facilitator, and I joined one of her practicum sessions.
She had started her practicums before the pandemic hit and had expected to guide us through a walk of one of the local labyrinths. But with the lockdown, she had to adjust to a virtual walk using photocopies of finger labyrinths.
Here is one from Catherine Anderson‘s wonderful book: “Tracing the Labyrinth Path: Meditation at Your Fingertips“

You can also get wood, ceramic, or stone finger labyrinths from online stores. Etsy has a great selection! Even travel cards!!
I have walked several labyrinths and have very much enjoyed the slow pace, being outside for walking meditation.
But this class was nice to learn about the history of labyrithns across time and cultures. And how to practice with a labyrinth in a more formal way.
My intention going into the finger “walk” was Peace. I started a youtube video of nature bird songs and imaged myself back to one of the labyrinths I had walked.
It was in CA at a retreat center, in an open space in the mountains surrounded by pine trees and redwoods.

I pictured myself there, and listening to the birdsong, began my “walk.”
I really felt a sense of oneness with the environment, the land, trees, and birds. Felt a sense of connection with everything around the labyrinth.
When I reached the center after 10 minutes of “walking” I just stood absorbing that sense of connection and felt a great sense of gratitude to receive such a feeling.
As I “walked” out of the labyrinth, I felt this sense of joy arising. It manifested as a golden energy seeming to stream out of me in all directions.
I eventually simply turned into that joyous golden energy as I danced my way through the labyrinth and came to the exit.
I bowed and slowly transformed back to my “smaller” human self.
You can learn more about finger labyrinths from Catherine Anderson’s Vimeo video.
Here is another of her videos: