Growing Pains on The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema

Growing Pains on The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema

I recently discovered Dr. Thema’s “The Homecomimg Podcast.”

Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist. Using artistic expression, spirituality, psychology and culture, Dr. Bryant-Davis is an internationally recognized lecturer, performer, and minister. @drthema

The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema is a podcast to facilitate your journey home to yourself by providing weekly inspiration and health tips. Welcome home!

One episode that I really found impactful was “Growing Pains.”

Dr. Thema talks about how we can experience Growing Pains during our healing journey – that healing and growing can be difficult, challenging, uncomfortable, stressful, triggering, and even painful. Which is why so many of us avoid dealing with issues, because of the discomfort.

Dr. Thema points out that healing can be painful because it causes us to look at painful memories and painful, unacknowledged truths.

We are being encouraged to ask ourselves some tough questions that ask us to move from a place of denial.

Once we start answering those questions, we begin seeing things about ourselves and have to respond to what we discover. And this is sometimes very challenging.

Some of our dysfunctional behaviors feel natural and seem like who we really are. And to change feels very messy and awkward.

She acknowledges that often healing involves losses. Not only the loss of old unsupportive behaviors but also loss of relationships and people from your life. When you come home to yourself, you often have to leave some things behind to receive the fullness of your authentic life.

She empowers us to grow at our own rate. “Stretch” to lean into your growth. Nourish and comfort yourself in healthy, compassionate ways.

Change is a slow process. And we are allowed to experience some steps forward and some steps back in our non-linear healing journey. Setbacks do not erase all the work you have already done.

Your healing is worth it!

A wonderful supportive episode for survivors on their healing journey!

I have also have had the honor of having Dr. Thema read one of my Thriving poems “Wonder and Joy” on her podcast Ep. 72: Cultivating Patience. Take a listen!!