GOLD AWARD from the Nonfiction Book Awards

“The challenge of writing a book as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse is finding that delicate balance between sharing just enough and oversharing one’s personal experiences in a way that leaves readers with hope and the belief that it is possible to overcome the tragic effects of this particularly heinous criminal and life-altering act.

In Thriving After Sexual Abuse, author Denise Bossarte offers up that safe space to readers, revealing only what is necessary in the way of details related to the abuse she personally suffered at the hands of a trusted relative, and instead focusing on the healing journey she traveled as a way to inspire others seeking to begin or continue down their own path of reclaiming their power.

Bossarte openly and honestly writes about some of her unsuccessful encounters with a few mental health professionals, but doesn’t negate the importance of finding and working with one that can provide the tools and resources needed to successfully reign in and eventually let go of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

For the author, that healing journey required spiritual, physical, and mental engagement in various activities and journaling exercises, the details of which she shares with the reader, along with several helpful resources.

Well-written, thought-provoking, and sensitive, Bossarte’s Thriving After Sexual Abuse is a guidebook for a wide audience of readers who will immediately recognize its value whether they are survivors themselves or know someone who is.”

~ Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program

Additional Praise

  • The author’s writings have a great flow of content and continuity of thought.

  • The Exercises and Journaling” activities are an excellent start for healing.

  • The inclusion of personal accounts make the author relatable and emphasizes the benefits of taking this journey to heal.”