Episode 096. Break the Chain with Denise Bossarte with Scars We Share

Episode 096. Break the Chain with Denise Bossarte with Scars We Share


It takes time. Effort. Patience. It’s going to hurt. It just is. It’s no different from physical healing. When you get physically hurt, there is pain. Healing physically includes pain. Healing emotionally and mentally is no exception. But it is so worth it.

When you take the time and put in the effort to heal, you can be more you. Nothing holding you back. You are open and free to be wholly you. That’s a beautiful thing. That doesn’t mean healing is ever “done.” It’s a lifelong journey. And so worth it.

You deserve to heal. You deserve to be wholly, fully, completely you. You deserve happiness and love.

Live like you love yourself. Always.