“COVID Overwhelm: Photography Self-Care for Abuse Survivors” on Psychologytoday.com Blog

“COVID Overwhelm: Photography Self-Care for Abuse Survivors” on Psychologytoday.com Blog

I am thrilled that my blog article “COVID Overwhelm: Photography Self-Care for Abuse Survivors: Tapping into your innate creativity to ease your sense of disconnection” was accepted to the PsycologyToay.com blog!

In the blog, I share how the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of isolation and disconnection and particularly challenging for childhood abuse survivors who rely on their support systems and self-care practices to sustain them during challenging times.

I share how a self-care photography practice has helped me stay connected with the beauty of the world by keeping me out in nature and focused on that experience rather than negative self-talk.

I also give tips and suggestions for survivors to develop a self-care photography practice for themselves.

I hope you enjoy my photography self-care story and the inspirational advice!